Sunday, 24 March 2019

A Country on the March.

London in the sunshine late in the afternoon of a Saturday in early spring was a sight to behold. It is always a spectacle that takes my breath away, magnificent buildings, long history, people wandering about, sheer poverty and the despair of homelessness. I have been to so many great cities in the world and London is up there with many. Yet this was no ordinary Saturday in the capital. It was marching day.

Sarah and I were on our way to the Royal Albert Hall and saw all around us evidence of the great anti Brexit march. They say a million people went. Five million have signed a petition to overturn the result of the vote to leave in June 2016. Politicians are carving each other apart. The government is in meltdown. People are turning on each other. And all along the spectre of what should have been happening next Friday but has now been delayed hangs over my divided country. What we know now seems to show what folly it was to vote to leave. But we did vote to leave and I still ask the question what has happened to democracy if we annul an election because it seemed a stupid decision? We will be quick to condemn any corrupt autocratic undemocratic dictator doing that very same thing.

I'm none the wiser what happens next. Is anyone? But the crisis engulfing us will not go away because we want it to. Will a change of leader or indeed government solve the issue? I fear not.

We only caught the tail end of the march. And I was struck by the irony of the flag waving and imperial reaction of a packed house at the Classical Spectacular we went to see as Land of Hope and Glory rang out given what was happening outside. Glorious music although I learned that even the most famous of choral societies are not that fantastic. Soloists were sublime though and left me in awe even with my musical background.

The journey home was trying and tired and sober I got home at 12.40 am. Not straight to bed but almost.

Once again I woke to see the dawn. And what a dawn it was! Spring sunshine and clear skies, I've not really been out yet except for the paper but it is a beautiful day.

Roast beef has been consumed. Slightly disappointed in the colour, should have been rarer, but it tasted good, the roast potatoes were crispy, the vegetables just right, fine gravy and a nice glass of Rioja.

I'm on to my second opera of the day. Orlando followed by Cosi fan Tutti. Think I might go for a pint after this, take a beef sandwich to Alyssa who is working until 5 pm.

Tomorrow comes my return to work. I'm feeling more grounded than I did and so far not needed to change the medication. We will see how that lasts the week.

Have a wonderful Sunday and see you soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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