Friday, 22 March 2019

Silhouetted By the Full Moon.

A skeletal tree was silhouetted by the light of the full moon as I left The Hedgehog last night. Nature had not yet brought the bloom back to the barren denuded shape of the tree by the spring equinox. After the grey days of Kent coming back I was pleased to see the sun at least trying to appear. By later that night the clouds had dispersed and the moon was full glorious.

I'm still trying to get rid of the vestiges of the coldy type thing I had when I was down at dad's. I feel fine but still an occasional outburst from the common cold virus. These things are sent to try us. I enjoyed my time in Kent. The beach even on a grey day is worth it. The journey home was without incident.

Unusually for when I go to Kent I slept relatively well. On my return I slept for 8 hours without waking but once I did I couldn't get back to sleep. So far too early for me I drove down to Hatfield to have a wander in The Galleria. Even being close to the campus makes me think of work which wasn't quite the plan. But the thoughts passed when I left.

Home via Gareth's I'm not listening to Beethoven trios and cooking a ragu with the mince Gareth sold me. After an unpromising start it now smells rather good. I will cook it for a couple of hours then save it for another day. I'm expecting Beka late this afternoon. For one night only she will forsake her gruelling health diet and live a decadent night with me. I probably ought to get back to something of a diet but lack the will power. Last year's relapse rather did for my healthy living.

Mentally I'm feeling more grounded for my break. I haven't needed to increase my Risperidone but am still holding that in reserve if things go awry when I get back to work.

Will probably be back on here on Sunday. Until then have fun.

I Heard a Voice.

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