For the last couple of days I have noticed for the first time the days getting lighter. As I drive home at 5 pm it is definitely just dusk now rather than darkness. Is that a good sign? Who knows. What I do know is that mood wise I find February and March quite hard. It has been so long since I had any of my mini highs. I have not recovered my energy or drive. Work is now just work. Mental health is no longer an all consuming passion. Is the world of mental health worse off for that? That is for others to decide.
Tomorrow I head for the UMHAN meeting in London. A time to catch up with equally isolated and underpaid colleagues from other universities. It's usually a good day. Then it is off to Beka's. With luck the cover for the paperback of "Charon's Ferry" will be complete by Sunday. The question is will anyone buy it? Once again only others can decide that.
Talking of books a colleague gave me the price of the first book today having borrowed it from someone else. Very kind but really not necessary. It seems to have opened her eyes though so maybe all is not lost.
I will blog again when I get back from London. And now I will sit back and listen to Durufle's Requiem-our recording is most fine. Bye for now.
I Heard a Voice.
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