Saturday, 16 February 2013

A Memorial.

Today dad, Miriam and Nigel have gone to the crematorium with a plant for mum's grave. I've not been back since we interred the ashes last year-must try and rectify that when I'm next down. For my part I am still in gloomy Hertfordshire where I have barely glimpsed the sun all day doing domestic tedium. The eminent psychiatrist Bernie Rosen once told me that the domestic tedium was the nitty gritty of life. Has to be done sometimes so having been away the last 2 weekends in a row I set about making my flat nicer. Made some progress but a way to go.

I spent last night my fellow blogger Izzy. She came to interview me for a radio piece she is putting together on voice hearing. She will also interview my friend and far more famous activist Emma Harding. We had fun and ended the evening in the Fu Hao. She also offered to do a short film to put on Youtube to publicise my books; that should be fun.

Tonight once again I'm out then tomorrow a return to my kitchen with some fine looking shoulder of pork. After that, all too quickly it will be back to the chaos of work. I need at least 2 days to catch up but there is no chance of that happening now. Maybe one day.

Until the next time.

I Heard a Voice.

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