Saturday, 29 October 2011

A Forgotten Voice.

Doing what I do it is extremely important to learn and remember that the unexpected is only just around the corner. When I worked at Rethink my plan for the day usually went out the window by about 9.10 am. Here I never know where the next phone call will take me. It makes the job more interesting.

But if the expected comes from the dim and distant past it is even more surprising. So it was that I came home on Wednesday evening to see a letter on the floor. Turning it over I saw the return address of my publisher. I have been expecting to hear from them so I thought it was breakdown of how many books I have sold-I'm certainly not holding my breath on retirement.

When I opened it there was 5 page handwritten letter. I read it slowly. It was little confused and paranoid. Indeed the writer openly talked about having paranoid schizophrenia. She talked about how inspiring my book had been to her. She also repeatedly thanked me for writing it.

As I got to the end, there was a name. And it was name from my past. We knew each other as children. In fact we had been a primary school together before my nomadic life really began. So nice to hear from her. I recall picnics in her back garden with her brother and paddling in streams on walks. It was a good voice to hear.

But there was a sadness. Yet another person I know having a psychotic breakdown What a small world it is.

And today I cook. Am slow braising beef skirt in stout with carrots and mushrooms. Just gone in on a low heat and should be ready in 3 hours. I had planned to write this afternoon but I got delayed in town so haven't got round to it. But there always tomorrow. Let's hope the sun shines once again.

I Heard a Voice.

PS my reviews on Amazon magically re-appeared later that day, I am now up to 10 5 star reviews!

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