Sunday, 31 July 2011

A Roast Chicken Sunday.

It has been an exceedingly quiet day. Actually I've really needed that. Although work is quiet, it is afterall the summer, my weekends have been frenetic; too much to do and too many people to see. Won't get a weekend to myself for another fortnight-have a wedding next Friday.

So what have I been doing today? Well there is a chicken roasting in the oven. I rarely do roast chicken but quite fancied it today. Par-boiling potatoes and have bought my first fresh peas of the summer; sounds divine.

And I have the cricket on! Last time I posted Kevin Pietersen had just scored his 18th test 100; he went on to a double 100 and England won a crushing victory. Fast forward a few days and it was all India. They were so dominant there seemed no hope. But brilliant bowling after tea yesterday turned the tide and now England are forging a possible winning position. It has been controversial though.

The other good news this week was a great review of "A Pillar of Impotence" in my local paper-I will share it when it is online. And now up to 5 on Amazon. Had an interesting lead on Friday when I met someone who runs a book club-she is really keen to get it. Let's hope they like it!

So we come to the end of July. A Month to my birthday. July has seen the second highest number of hits since I started this last September. So many thanks to my readers. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

I Heard a Voice.

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