Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Lost in the Post

There is something exceedingly irritating about the British postal system-it simply isn't reliable. I have had two letters forwarded on from my parent's house take 4 months to get to me recently. And now I have discovered that a copy of "A Pillar of Impotence" that I sent off for review on the Madness and Literature website failed to arrive.

Not good! Especially when I had to buy all the books I had for the launch rather than being given some by the publisher. Not at all happy. Only have two books left so I guess I will need to spend some more. Have been waiting to hear from a friend in Cambridge about a possible review, now wondering if that copy too has been lost.

There are a couple of positives on this bad day though. My friend Beka has managed to secure me a slot for the book at the Folkestone Literary Festival in November. That should be fun. And I also have a friend working on getting me a talk to people from South London and Maudesley MH Trust at some stage in the future. For those not in the know, the Maudesley is one of the pre-eminent MH teaching Trusts in the world.

If you read the last post, my talk to the psychiatrists went very well. In fact two of them wanted to have their photos taken with me. I guess I must have made an impression.

On this mixed day I guess I must take solace in listening to Thomas Weelkes in the car on the way home-Tutor music can be most refreshing-and buying something splendid to cook when I get home.

I Heard a Voice.

PS Have had some interesting thoughts on a sequel to "A Pillar of Impotence"-could even write an opening chpater today!

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