For the third day in a row a fog engulfs our little land. Bitter cold too. Driving back through that yesterday coupled with heavy traffic and speed restrictions was exhausting. I didn't do much when I got home except the washing.
We are approaching the end of 2024. Not been easy at times and there's still a gaping hole in my life post Charlotte. I mourn for my loss not for those who chose to leave my life.
There have been highlights. I'm still affecting the mental health narrative. I'm speaking out and being noticed. I hope 2025 will give me a bigger platform to push for change, push for recognition, and to push for humanity not statistical data.
On this quiet Sunday I'm listening to The Marriage of Figaro. A mallard stuffed with bay and thyme is roasting in the oven. And I'm on here writing.
Next week is my time too. Holidays always go too fast.
Later an old school friend is visiting. He resides in Holland but has been with his family for Christmas and they live not too far from here.
If I don't get on here before then Happy New Year and stay safe. Always be kind to yourself.
I Heard a Voice.