Sunday, 21 August 2022

Opera on Holiday.

Greetings all on this overcast Sunday. The heat has dissipated but there's little sign of rain. The grass is parched and the trees are fruiting early and leaves already turning brown and falling. 

My holiday is finally here. The challenges continued right up to my last hour of work on Friday. Yet I will persist a day at a time. 

As it my wont I'm listening to Turandot and reading this morning. No big plans today but tomorrow I'm heading down to Kent to spend time with my dad and to go to a funeral. 

My original plan was to travel yesterday but the trains were on strike. As the cost of living rockets more and more industries are striking. And I can't see it stopping any time soon. We live in an uncertain age.

Mentally the anxiety is ever lurking. At times I feel very lonely and isolated. People I've relied on for emotional support in the last year or so are rarely heard from now. I continue to support a lot of people away from work but getting that for me is not as given.

Moodwise I think I'm OK. Tuesday week I will turn 53. Miriam will take me out for lunch. Hopefully also have an early birthday lunch with dad too by the seaside. 

I miss the sea but tomorrow we will be reunited. 

Enjoy your Sunday everyone. 

I Heard a Voice. 

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