Saturday, 1 August 2020

Missing the Moon.

The thought crossed my mind in the week that I hadn't seen the moon in ages. Not the merest of glimpses. Then two nights ago I saw it. Not quite full but a beautiful sight to see.

You may be wondering how I am after the recent turbulence. Mainly I've been doing better. That said today I feel flat and lethargic. I must have been tired, didn't wake up until very late. I visited my butcher, had a fry up in town and had my hair cut. Then home to nothing. I do not feel like cooking tonight although I have some lovely local lamb. Maybe I can summon up the energy later to cook a Javanese curry. With no motivation that doesn't seem possible at this point. Can I power on though? Or just give up the ghost and eat crap?

In three weeks I will be on holiday. I'm hoping to go to the seaside and see dad but there are still restrictions at his flats so it may not come off. Missing the sea as much as I missed the moon. The country seems more volatile as signs of the virus are emerging again. I feel for those being shut down again.

The future does not look fabulous. I can't see how we can survive another lockdown. How many will lose their jobs? Will there still be pubs to go to? Will I be able to have a fry up or ribs? We don't know at this point.

As you can see I'm not feeling very optimistic today. Let us hope tomorrow is a better day.

I Heard a Voice.

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