Friday, 29 November 2019

A Rare Friday to Myself.

The sun finally came out today. Days of rain have left the ground saturated, everywhere the fallen leaves are slippery and wet. On this Friday I have the day off. My original plan to go to Cambridge was abandoned last night as I was so tired. Plan B was scuppered by lack of funds to go to Borough Market. So instead I ventured out in the cold but pale light and had a wander in town. My hair is now cut, I have Sarah's birthday present, I'm restocked with wine and my fridge is ready for the weekend.

I enjoyed Thanksgiving Day yesterday. A triumphant turkey thigh roasted to perfection with marvellous roast potatoes, vegetables and a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc all accompanied by an evening of NFL made it very special.

Slept okay in the main and woke up late. I feel relaxed after a difficult week at work. The only anxiety is when I went to collect my prescription it wasn't there. Despite me requesting my consultant to extend my review date for some reason the message didn't get to GP. Now they won't give me any until I have a phone consultation on Thursday. Cutting it a bit fine so suspect the anxiety will build.

That aside my weekend will be in the kitchen. I am going to Jo's grandson's 1st birthday party tomorrow. That should be fine. On the menu there is chorizo and chickpea stew tonight, Lancashire hotpot tomorrow and roast chicken on Sunday.

Back to it on Monday. Three more weeks to go. Everyone is exhausted so we need to hang on. Not sure things will improve in the new year but at least I'm meeting some interesting people. That keep things ticking over.

If you are coming to the end of your working week enjoy the weekend. I certainly will.

I Heard a Voice.

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