Saturday, 26 January 2019

Gently Does It.

A week on from my last post the Rams are in the Super Bowl, the first snows of winter have fallen, the political turmoil is no further on and I'm a taking life very gently. No particular reason why, just fancied a quiet Saturday on my own.

I ventured as far as the butchers and did the washing. That is the sum total of my productivity today. Later I will return to my kitchen, having a go at a Cambodian pork curry with aubergines, coconut and pineapple tonight. The week in the kitchen has been good. Fantastic kefte kebabs on Tuesday and and my first ever Moussaka on Wednesday. That was equally fabulous. Tomorrow I will open my flat for hospitality and invite friends for roast shoulder of lamb.

At the risk of being controversial I suppose I ought to comment on the Rams victory on Sunday that took them to the Super Bowl. Yes it was a penalty. And yes it probably cost the Saints the game but the nature of sport is that it is wondrous but imperfect. How many games over the years might have been different had a refereeing call gone another way? Might the Rams have won Super Bowl XIV had a penalty not been called when the legs got tangled leading to a nail in the coffin by Franco Harris? Few can doubt that there should have been a ton of holding penalties when the Patriots held Marshall Faulk on virtually every passing play during Super Bowl XXXVI. That could have won cost us the game. Yes the Rams are my team but every supporter of every team in NFL history can point to similar game changing decisions. That my friends is sport.

Back in my world mentally I'm middling to up. Not too up and a little too neutral to be bored. That's okay though. With the exception of a Wednesday blip the working week has gone okay. Saw the therapist on Thursday, never really know what twists and turns that will bring each week. I will persist.

For now though it is Handel and my book until time comes to make curry paste. Have an amazing weekend and more soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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