Sunday, 18 March 2018

Spartan Sparcity Along the Seafront.

On another bitterly cold day I braved the seafront with dad. Only the brave or fool hardy would do so on such a day. I have yet to work out which we are. Whilst not quite deserted it was pretty spartan out there with few others souls venturing forth. The flurries of snow kept up all the way yet even in the gloom of recurring winter the sea kept its promise to me as a place to escape.

My time in Kent is coming to an end. Did it serve its purpose? I think it helped. My mind is calmer and clearer. How long that will last as the next few days pass is unknown. I need to go back to my reality the week after. That time by necessity should be more limited than before. It should be quieter as we approach Easter. But will the fear overwhelm me?

That is however for another day. As is my wont on a Sunday a roast dinner was required. And the roast beef I cooked at lunch time was exceedingly good. I'm sure the quality of the meat helped. And dad's oven is far better for roast potatoes than mine. So we were utterly contented.

Miriam battled her way home through the snow which was a relief. I know she was anxious about it and I certainly didn't envy her that journey. Hoping the trains are just a straight forward tomorrow.

There are things to do when I get back. ECG on Tuesday. Dentist Wednesday. And on some day not yet decided I must meet Lena. Let us hope it is a nice week and I can return in an upbeat and optimistic mood rather than the frightened, jaded experience of recent weeks.

I Heard a Voice.

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