Well that didn't last very long did it? After the glorious seaside spring day of yesterday bitter cold, biting winds and snow have taken over today. When will this end? It didn't entirely put paid to dad's birthday lunch but more than half of us couldn't make it.
So through flurries and gusts the three of us headed on the brief walk to the restaurant and indulged ourselves in much decadence. A jamon and manchego cheese salad to start followed by roast loin of pork in an apple and brandy sauce followed up supremely by bitter dark chocolate pot with a mandarin sorbet. All that washed down with a very dry local white wine. I'm not much of a chocolate person but when I do have it it has to be dark and bitter. And that it was just like the atmosphere outside.
The chocolate theme continued as we adjourned to Hendrick's after for Malbec and nibbles. It is perhaps dad's favourite place so if you are ever in Hythe do pay them a visit, it is right next door to The King's Head.
Back at the flat we watched England once again lose at rugby and look inept. What a day for the Irish, a Grand Slam at Twickenham on St Patrick's Day. I suspect many places could run out of Guinness today.
Away from observations on the cold world where am I at? Mood is a bit nothing. The anxiety is at bay. I'm with nice people so I guess today goes down as a nice day. Being away does let me mind drift away from daily troubles. They will all still be there when I go home but for now I try to live in the moment.
I don't think the snow will wreck my travel plans. The intention is to go home on Monday. Let's hope it is all gone by then. Do be careful out there in these treacherous conditions.
I Heard a Voice.
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