Saturday, 11 November 2017

We Remember.

On this day we remember those who died in war. Having recently completed reading my cousin Karen's book on her grandfather's experiences in the Great War it is once again poignant and humbling. Not often on a Saturday I missed any ceremony. Much of that will take place tomorrow at the annual Remembrance Day parades. With the world as it is the poppy our symbol for those we remember has become a more controversial symbol. Don't let the fascists steal it and recall we remember all those who died not just the jolly white Englishman. I always wonder where those who we fought against fit into all this. They too must be remembered. War is a terrible thing.

Closer to home I've survived another week. Tense and long I think I did okay. But it will grind relentlessly on come Monday. The upcoming week is also likely to be long. I will be triaging all week as my colleague Sammie is off. But it will not end on Friday at 4 pm. I am being required to attend an open day next Saturday. I use that word specifically as I was given no choice. Well I was on disability grounds but how would that be for my colleagues who are not disabled?

Each week that goes by I become more wary of the disableisation of the world. The mental health campaigns have got us on the map in a way never seen before. But are we pathologising the normal? Is it fair or unfair to give the disabled extra time? Or extensions? Or exam adjustments? Where does that leave those not impaired? I have no power to change that but only to follow what I'm told to do.

With the weekend here my kitchen will once again be a focus. My boiler is playing up again so slightly on edge. But although I dreamed anxious dreams of work I'm not in a bad place. A squid stew will be tonight's fare. Tomorrow roast lamb. Will the heating hold up on this cold weekend? I can only cross my fingers.

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, have a good time and enjoy the break. I will return soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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