Sunday, 3 September 2017

Perhaps That Glass of Port was a Mistake.

Hanging Sunday. It didn't feel like I overdid things last night but waking very late within an hour I was feeling decidedly not at my best. That glass of port with some cheese late last night may prove to be one too many.

That has left me feeling somewhat lost again. Yesterday was mixed but got better. Today feels like one day too many. They had sold out of The Sunday Times in the shop so no Sunday reading. It looks dull and miserable out. I certainly don't fancy an afternoon pint as is often my way at weekends. So how to pass the day?

Classic FM once again accompanies my afternoon. Don't feel much like reading but can see little alternative. I ought to go for a walk but can't be bothered. It all feels something of a write off. I'm not alone in not being at my best. My friend Lynne who turned 50 on the same day I turned 48 had a big party last night and is feeling the after effects of overindulgence. She invited me over to mutually hang as she lives near Cambridge and knows I plan a visit tomorrow. Not feasible though with Sarah working.

The thought of getting up early to catch the train is not very attractive but needs to be done. I suspect the trip will enliven me as I so love going there.

Thoughts of work lurk despite my break. Usually I have let go any thoughts and fears on that front within a couple of days but this year they linger. As long as I stick to my mantra of a day at a time, did I do some good and it's just a job I will be fine. Carnage will ensue but I have made it past that before and can do it again. The living with uncertainty feels more challenging now than it did when I started exactly ten years ago today. God that seems a life time away now. Having never done a job for more than two and a half years before I would never have envisioned a decade. I suppose that is what is called a career. Given the mightily delayed start I struggle to regard myself as having a career. But I guess I have.

Whilst I hang on this Sunday my thoughts are with Ros who goes back to work tomorrow after the long summer break. She is going to new beginnings with different people in charge. Change I hope will be for the better. I know you will read this Ros so sending my best wishes for another year.

That's today's epistle over. I don't really have anything more to say and feel as if I have been rambling more than usual. See you all soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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