Wednesday, 24 October 2012

A Godsend?

Hi all,

This may well be my last post until next week-I'm away tomorrow and not sure how much time/accessibility I will have.

It has been dark, dank, and dreary here the last few days. Not what I needed first thing in the morning as I have to go back to my disillusioned life at work. I was unwell last week with a virus. Okay now but still have a cough and am tired. Yesterday was bad-Tuesday's usually are bad-and today did not start too well. Oh how we deal with deluded egos in our lives. I was of course accused of delusion for all those years but in the end I was proved right.

There was nearly one of my angry posts on here last night. But I hope today's is better. After a not so great start it got better. I met one of my most interesting and challenging students today for the first time since May. He acknowledged just how good I am at what I do. I am one of the few people he respects. That is all good. Later and separately I saw 2 members of staff I have helped in the past. Neither know each other yet both used the same word: To them I was a godsend at troubled times.

In my currently troubled world I needed that. It is completely over-blowing my role in their recoveries. Not long afterwards I spoke to the woman who investigated my pay appeal for the first time since it failed. She was cordial and polite as I was. The funny thing was she talked about the good retention rates of staff at the University. I wonder what she will say when I leave? And I very much hope I do soon. In reality she probably won't notice, I'm just not that important.

Tomorrow I catch the train to Kent. On Friday we are interring my mum's ashes. I have no idea what that will feel like but it will be nice to see dad and Miriam. Until the next time.

I Heard a Voice.

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