Saturday, 15 September 2012

A Topsy Turvy Day.

The eminent psychiatrist Bernie Rosen once told me that depressed people never get angry. Bullshit. It was alleged at the time that he was also psychiatrist to Princess Diana. Well he didn't help me very much nor on the surface her either. I won't say what I really think of him but it is not very good. When I left his clinic he wrote a report on me that a later consultant described as "the most contradictory and offensive report I have ever seen."

So why am I saying this now? Well you will have seen from my last post I have been pretty angry. I have also felt very low, bewildered, and confused. All of those were at the same time. But given what has happened to me it is no surprise.

Yet today I feel neither depressed nor angry. I'm still a bit confused and at a loss as to what to do next but am okay. It is a topsy turvy day. There is blazing sunshine outside yet it is September. Actually I rather like days like this. I have confused my contact lenses so I can't see properly-must had more than I thought last night. I slept for 11 hours yet am still tired. I must have been tired and the lack of sleep in the last 2 weeks has caught up with me. And having not gone to a single BBQ all summer I am just off to help Tony at the pub with a BBQ.

So I appear away from where I was 2 days ago. Yes I still need to move on but I'm dealing with it better. I had hoped to roast shoulder of pork tomorrow but I couldn't get any. So it is roast ham-I'm very partial to ham. Have 3 days off next week and I will see Beka on Thursday then it is off to meet David one of my old tutors from Cambridge on Saturday. Let's hope this oasis of calm stays.

I Heard a Voice.

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