Sunday, 29 April 2012

Is the Monsoon Over?

Last year in April we had blazing sunshine and high temperatures. What a change this year. It has just stopped raining here for the first time in nearly a week. Not what I wanted really but sadly part of life.

Seems like ages since I was on here. They have changed the format my end on blogging and this is the first time I have dared to try it out. Still yet to find the button to post.

I have been okay. Part time at work last week but plan to go back full time tomorrow. It will be nice to get back to reality after a 2 month interruption. It will be quieter at this time of the year but I have no doubt we will have our moments. I had to have my photo taken last week for the Vice-Chancellor awards. Not easy dodging the rain showers.

Mentally I hope I'm back to normal, neither too low nor too high. I started to reduce my risperidone last week and so far so good. It is nice to be back.

This next 2 weeks will bring the final push on "Charon's Ferry". I did finally hear from my publisher on the disputed sales figures on the first book last week-they conceded that they had been wrong. I won't be retiring on the proceeds though. But neither book was ever really about money.

Hope to be back on here later in the week.

I Heard a Voice.

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