Saturday, 21 April 2012

My Mind Ticks Over

A friend of mine text me today saying how amazed she was that I had managed to write another chapter yesterday after the funeral. I had to think about that one for a while. Actually I think it is helping. If I don't keep my mind active then it is likely to recede deep into the recesses of mourning.

I also spoke to my sister earlier. She is finding it hard to know what to do with herself. There is a certain emptiness to the post funeral time. I always say that is the hardest time is going back to reality when the phone stops ringing, the cards have dried up and people's minds turn to other things.

Much to my surprise I am doing okay so far. We will see what the coming days bring me. I would anticipate that I might have finished the new book in 2-3 weeks. I ask myself then what? When I finished "A Pillar of impotence" I cried and was then filled with emptiness. If you have been following this blog for the last couple of months you will have seen how hard I find it to deal with emptiness. My mind is never empty-there is always too much to do. But I know it will come back when the book is complete. I'm rather dreading that.

So back now to a quiet weekend. I'm making a rare venture into the world of pasta tonight. I don't often do that but I find a little bacon, shallots, garlic and pesto work very nicely with pasta. Tomorrow I go back to my age old roots of slow roast belly pork-that is probably the best thing I do. And after that? More writing.

Bye for now.

I Heard a Voice.

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