Saturday, 25 March 2023

Sunshine and Showers.

A couple of weeks have gone by since my last post. I was in a dark place then. It would seem that the virus doing the rounds then had an unusual symptom that made people really depressed. A couple of friends reported the same thing. Whatever it was it was not nice. 

I'm feeling much better now. Last weekend I spent in Kent with my dad. Owing to train strikes I had to overcome my fear and drive. Actually both journeys went well. 

Last week I was on an online course. It was good and exhausting, validating and painful but I think worth it.

Now on a Saturday afternoon where the sun shines then it tips it down with rain. Spring in England. 

I'm cooking a Sumatran goat curry and listening to the radio. No big plans this weekend except the usual cooking. 

Bellini's opera Norma is on the radio this evening so thought I might have a listen. 

Today I am content in my little world. In a couple of weeks it will be Easter and I will take some time out. I realised in the week that I have had no stress free break since being between jobs in November 2021.

Yesterday marked an unpleasant anniversary and the reminder that I've been buffeted in a storm of other people's making for a year. Please let the coming weeks be calmer.

I Heard a Voice. 

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