Saturday, 10 September 2022

A King, a Full Moon and a New Era.

On Thursday our world changed. The second Elizabethan era ended. The country is in mourning, in shock, in uncertainty. 

King Charles III was proclaimed this morning. What do I feel? A sense of loss, a fear of change and worry that not only the country's world is unravelling but mine too.

Life feels tough. Desperately tired too. I had forgotten how hard the start of term is. Emotions ran high this week so we must all switch off and prepare to ground and reset ourselves next week. 

So often I reflect and ruminate on my many failings. In the grand scheme of things I'm inconsequential. 

Coinciding with this momentous week was a glorious full moon the day we lost the Queen. Nature is a thing of awe, to be beholden by us mere mortals. In this time when I feel vulnerable I will take comfort from nature.

Please look after yourselves in these bleak feeling times.

I Heard a Voice. 

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