Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Blindsided by Pfizer.

 You find me unexpectedly at home today listening to Radio 3 and trying to stay warm and hydrated. Not really ill but had a bad reaction to the Pfizer booster jab that I had yesterday afternoon. 

In truth I'm just glad to have had the booster. As more uncertainty stalks the world in this pandemic it is better to be safe than sorry...even if it came at a cost.

Just a little over two weeks into the new job day by day a few more things slot  into place. It has been a baptism of fire that has been both humbling and exhilarating. That I have a lot learn is an understatement. All my doubts and fears have popped up each day. But I've been able to counter them in part at least.

Yesterday I felt pretty good. Got through some difficult meetings then learned when I got home I'm being paid a lot more than expected. 

In the present though all I can do is stay warm, take paracetamol and drink copious amounts of water.

Let's hope I feel better tomorrow. 

I Heard a Voice.

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