Oh my goodness what a week! I started my new job on Monday. Much as I felt like running away I didn't. Not felt that overwhelmed in a long time. But I did it.
That sense of being out of my depth, of knowing nothing and being a fraud pervaded much of the week but ever so slowly some things began to make sense.
A lot of on line training lies ahead but it served to steady me and make me have some self belief. Scoring 97% on the Mental Health Act training certainly helped.
Working from home on Friday also helped. Hope to some more of that as time goes by.
Come 5 pm on Friday I was shattered. Slept so long and late. Distinct feeling of exhaustion combined with a complete lack of motivation made yesterday a challenge.
Now on a chilly Sunday afternoon in November I'm listening to Mozart opera and trying not to think of tomorrow.
It is early days and they will be patient with me. Can I be patient with myself is hard question.
I Heard a Voice.
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