Thursday, 14 May 2020

The Sword of Damocles.

A cold wind swept across an otherwise sun drenched afternoon when I went for a walk. I'm glad I had a coat. It has been unseasonably cold the last few days. Even had the heating on at times which should never happen in May.

So much has happened since I was last on here. I can only make coded reference on here but the legend of the Sword of Damocles came into my thinking. The brutality that mental illness can bestow on me and the young people I work with. In truth I have struggled. The enormity of eight weeks alone hit with great savagery on Sunday. Monday was okay but many of the age old anxieties and stresses of work really came back after that. Who are we? And what are we trying to do?

Time would inevitably bring me torment. The funny thing is I lasted far longer in my serene first few weeks of lockdown than I ever imagined possible. The high has gone; would so love it to come back. But I haven't reached the depths. My friends rallied round on Sunday. And they remain with me.

Moving as we are on to another weekend I will be relieved when I get to 4 pm tomorrow. I will shop, I will walk, I will zoom and I will laugh. Drink, yes of course. And a culinary adventure that has not yet formulated in my mind yet.

Take care everyone and take time to rest. See you soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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