Saturday, 23 May 2020

Speaking Out.

A swirling, blustery wind is dancing across the air outside. The trees sway and bend, the sun is struggling and the occasional squall of rain is unleashed from time to time. Must be a May bank holiday. Yes another long weekend. And we know what happened last time. I hit a mental wall.

This time though I'm in more buoyant mood. Last week was good. It was Mental Health Awareness Week and awareness came to me from an unexpected source. I've been meaning to message my school friend Nick who lives in New York for a while. Remembering on Thursday evening I did just that. Almost as soon as I sent my message a response came from Nick. He had been writing a message at precisely the same time half way across the globe. He described it as spooky, clearly he's live in the USA too long. Not a word I hear often over here.

Relieved to hear he is okay despite the virus savaging the city. What surprised me was that he told me he had seen me on YouTube talking about mental health. He had kindly shared this mystery piece with his team as part of Mental Health Awareness Week.

Not even knowing what he had seen I searched and came up with three short films that had been recorded 18 months ago by some students interested in mental health. I had forgotten about it. After much deliberation I decided to put my head above the parapet and share on Facebook. 

The response was astonishing. Not quite viral but so many watched, shared and replied. I guess I did some good that day.

Really the idea that I shouldn't share in my position is ludicrous. I am my story and I'm told it is inspirational. On the dark low days I feel anything but inspirational. But others disagree.

Posting made me feel good. Not because it is self publicity, once upon a time I would have done to sell more books, but because it made a difference to people. If I do not speak out who will?

In my working world it is frowned upon to do so. But I do not simply inhabit that world. I inhabit the world of the other side of the fence that allegedly no longer exists. I am me and my story is worthwhile.

A few days on it is a quiet weekend. I did the shopping, took a while today, did some cleaning and am now all prepared for my long weekend. Slow roast belly pork will adorn my "table" tomorrow. Not sure whether tonight I will use my leftover Mussaman curry or cook a northern Thai curry with chicken and lemongrass. Depends on my motivation.

Do please enjoy this holiday weekend. And despite the partial relaxation of restrictions please take care.

I Heard a Voice.

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