Sunday, 19 January 2020

Eight Years Gone By.

How can any of us forget this day in 2012? My mum was 80 and we all braved dad's terrifying driving to have a memorable dinner at Froggies at Timberbats. My mum still thought I was six even though I was 42. I had a colossal T bone steak and mum fretted on whether it was okay to have glass of wine on her medication.

Within a couple of months she was dead. We mourned, we were in shock, we struggled and eventually we had a hugely attended funeral. Can time go by that quickly?

Here in 2020 Froggies is long gone, dad sold the house and has a lovely retirement flat. I am 50 and still doing the same job with mixed emotion. I live next door to where I once lived. My cooking has improved. My practical skills have not. And today? On this day of memory I have not been overwhelmed. It has been at the back of my mind but in its place.

We are coming to the end of another weekend. I'm feeling pretty good despite the anniversary. Are things looking up? I don't know. Am I taking it day to day? I'm trying.

The week will unfold how it will. I will be closer to Easter, closer to another weekend and getting there.

For all you who are troubled by anniversaries my thoughts are with you. My life has been plagued by dates, memories and what if? Will 2020 bring me good things? I do hope so. Stay well out there as time marches on.

I Heard a Voice.

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