Saturday, 4 January 2020

A Gentle Walk, Some Domesticity and a Lack of Sleep.

The sun was low in the sky peeking out from behind the thickening cloud. After a sunny but cold morning I set out after lunch for a walk. The day had not started well as I struggled to get to sleep, woke early and could not go back into my slumbers. Work has been playing a lot on my mind the last couple of days which hasn't helped. I am thus approaching the end of my holiday.

I did manage to tidy up, clean the bathroom and do the hoovering. Needed to be done as Jess had the flu last time she was due round. At least it gave me something to do waking up obscenely early on a Saturday. I cancelled today's plan on Thursday. I had been due in Balham by 12.30 pm for a 50th birthday party but after a mixed and mainly anxious week I didn't feel up to it.

The walk I chose was the shortest of the three in my usual repertoire. Really ought to get out and do the long walk but can't muster up the motivation to do so.

Although I have been off a number of my friends have needed my help at various points over the last couple of weeks. Do I ever stop working? Sometimes it doesn't feel like it.

Back at home after a pint I'm listening to Beethoven String Quartets and wishing time would slow down. I'm dreading that Monday morning alarm. But time stops for no man, woman or beast. So onward I must go.

What awaits me I fear. What is behind me I mourn. And what is present is vaguely comforting. To China I go tonight in my kitchen. Thought perhaps Hoisin glazed chicken with some extra vegetables thrown in. I have some local beef for lunch tomorrow. Hopefully nice and rare, with crispy roast potatoes and a variety of vegetables.

If like me you are approaching the end of your holiday good luck for the coming week. It's a long way until Easter.

I Heard a Voice.

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