Friday, 9 June 2017

The Winners Didn't Win.

On Wednesday I posed the question "on the cusp of what?" Now the election is complete barring a single constituency that the Tories should have won at a canter but may lose, I still pose the question of "on the cusp of what?"

What is clear if nothing else is that Theresa May has spectacularly lost her big gamble. She lost by a mile. The greatest winner of the day was Jeremy Corbyn but he did not win. As I warned my local MP last week if the young come out to vote your party is in trouble. Well the youth did come out to vote and vote in the droves against Mrs May.

So where does that leave us all? As far as I can tell in a unknown territory. Corbyn won but didn't win. May lost but still won. I cannot see how she can survive. Maybe not now but soon. All my left wing friends and I have many will be cheering. But they are not in government.

Looming large are the start of negotiations on Europe. Does Mrs May have a mandate? Yes and no. Then there is the simple question of what happens about government? Surely it is a lame duck that cannot go on. But what is the alternative? Coalition of chaos said the Tory party. Chaos all round as I see it.

I feel quite uncomfortable talking about politics on here but I fear the instability that may ensue. My life will go on. Nice to have a day off. Heavy rain rather dampened my plans for a wander but I did stock my fridge. Big salad for lunch, roast lamb planned on Sunday, and all manner of goodies.

The sun has now come out. Maybe a drive in the country. That sounds like a plan.

I Heard a Voice.

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