In case you hadn't noticed, I have been absent from here for quite a while. I've not been avoiding you all just never got round to it. You find me on a cold, wet, and dreary Hertfordshire day in which sensible people would have stayed in bed. I was too busy for that. Yes the chaos continues. But other things have been happening. The last 10 days are a story of a death, a visit, and an opportunity. And a bit of teaching thrown in!
So on this wet night I have Moo Pa Low bubbling away on the hob-that is Thai belly pork braised with coriander root, garlic, chicken stock and five spice to those of us who are linguistically challenged-and slowly bringing the rice to the boil, I will tell you of the last few days.
A man from my past died. I have blogged on him before but would never name him. He was famous. The papers all held obituaries but of course they didn't tell the whole truth. Who ever does when we die? One paper used the word terrifying. That is to put it mildly. In this age of child protection being so paramount maybe one day the story will come out. I am more overt about him in my new book but doubt anyone will notice. But what is hard is the barrage of e mails and invitations to commemorate a man who would have been disgraced now. So I won't be doing a trip to the Cotswolds on Tuesday.
On a nicer note I spent the weekend with my dad. Even spent some time in the pub with him which was great. That never happened when mum was alive. I guess we should have done it a long time ago.
As for the opportunity I have to take a trip north on Thursday. The next part of my epic journey through madness may be decided on that day. Who knows?
Life is winding down now to Christmas. I can't wait to have a break. It has been a dark route this term but I have done some good. Others might say a lot of good. So I go on treating those whom others can't help. And that is something that feels good if only in small bursts.
Hopefully more blogging later in the week.
I Heard a Voice.
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