Sunday 18 November 2012

Sunday Rage.

My plan today was to catch the 11.31 am train to Cambridge to watch the Hurricanes vs. Pythons. I had arranged the entire weekend around that event. I had been invited to a party in Kent but with regret I had to turn it down. At about 11.15 am I got to station-result? No trains beyond Hitchin. Fucking furious! Why are they so unreliable? I could have caught a bus but it would have turned a 55 minute journey into a 2 hour marathon. Thinking about it I really didn't feel like using up a combined 4 hours of my Sunday there and back.

So I find myself at home after having a fry up. I do have some things to look forward to. I will eat my pheasant I bought for tomorrow today. I bought a bottle of Campo Viejo Reserva and I have batter for pancakes. To fill in time? Perhaps the Magic Flute and some reading. It doesn't lift the rage though!

I Heard a Voice.

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