Saturday, 17 November 2012

A Good Night's Sleep.

Well after my low ebb day yesterday-you may have noticed in yesterday's post-I am feeling somewhat better in general and about myself. That is one of the curious traits of battling a mood disorder, the one in which whatever you have done you feel you're a terrible person. I don't feel that always but I did yesterday. The cure? Finally sleeping well. Barring a couple of dream interruptions I slept for 11 hours. Not done that for weeks.

And so the weekend. Today has been quiet, shopping, rugby, and cooking. I have been slow roasting belly pork with rosemary, garlic, and juniper berries since 3 pm. I just put in some red onions and apples to roast-not convinced by the latter but I will give it a go. This will be doused in a cider and rosemary sauce. The Messiah is playing in the background and the flat is scented with wonderous aromas-God I love cooking!

Tomorrow I will catch the 11.31 train to Cambridge for the Hurricanes vs Pythons at Coldhams Lane. And yes I will be cheering the Pythons despite my current employment situation. Talking of which I applied for a job another university last week. I doubt I have a chance but who knows.

I wish you all a peaceful and fun rest to the weekend. Now to get on with the mashed potatoes and carrots in cider, the latter is courtesy of Rick Stein's Mediterranean book. See you soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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