Why have certain cultures throughout history revered dreams? Native American Indians, Aboriginals in Australia and various tribes in South America have incorporated the dream world into their culture. I have no doubts others have too but I am by no means an expert. I remember the first time I was shown a dream Catcher by my friend Helen. It left me with one over riding question, why?
My life has been plagued by bad dreams for years. No doubt the psychotherapist Jung would have had something to say about that but I have always considered psychotherapy a lot of old shit. I don't know why I am plagued by dreams. The last 3 nights have been dreadful with me woken several times in the night. I can understand that some dreams are about our anxieties in waking life. But at the moment I have little on my mind. I wish they would go away. It leads me to feel as if I haven't slept in the morning.
So what of the waking hours? I am back home in Hertfordshire. The dinner with Beka and Anne went well as did the funeral on Tuesday. There is but one thing that is good about funerals-catching up with those I haven't seen for a while. I had very good journey back and had a a couple of days on complete relaxation lined up.
But it was not be. My fellow blogger Izzi phoned on Wednesday evening asking if I could proof read her PhD which she has to submit on Monday. So all afternoon yesterday I stared at my computer screen and read. 2 files down and 3 to go. Why does the world never go to plan?
On another note I am finally getting some thoughts on "Charon's Ferry". My friend Marie came to visit at the weekend and spent nearly 7 hours solidly reading on Saturday. She had finished by Tuesday and described it as "bloody brilliant". Another friend Jacqueline is hooked and promises to comment as soon as she can. I guess that is all good news.
So back to now, the next file beckons. I will start now and only stop for Singapore noodles for lunch. I will let you know when I come up for air on another cold, dank and wet day. Whatever happened to summer?
I Heard a Voice.
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