Saturday, 11 September 2010

Voices and Faces From the Past

I've finally returned after a few days absence. Actually, just been either too busy or too tired to blog since Monday. Anyway, it has been a strange week.

About 2 years ago I received a random e mail from my old school. An American, who had apparently met me in 1980 had got in touch asking after me. All a bit strnage but I thought it might be fun to e mail him. Sadly it slipped from my mind until earlier on this week I found said e mail. Throwing caution to the wind, I fired off a short history since we had last met.

The response was rapid, within hours an e mail arrived in my inbox asking for contact details and wanting to talk. Strange how things can turn so quickly. Since then there has been a frequent exchange of e mails across the Atlantic and plans to speak on Monday.

But talking of a small world, said American has an interest in mental health. He has already bought an e copy of my book and is rapidly devouring it. More on the book in later posts. Perhaps there is a way in on another continent to market the book. The chance and randomness of life never ceases to amaze me!

Other than that an ordinary week. Survived work but is beginning to get a little too busy. God knows what will happen in the pandemonium that will ensue in 2 weeks when term starts.

Off for now, think I might have a beer now.

I Heard a Voice.

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