Sunday, 19 December 2021

Little Light With Darkness Coming.

 Beautiful pale winter sunlight briefly illuminated my little world in the week. No sign of the sun since and today we are cloaked in cold and fog. There is a sense of coming darkness. 

The pandemic has once again fought back. Each time we get to grips with it it twists out of our grasp. I'm certain we will be locked down again. The question is when?

As things stand I'm in the office Monday and Tuesday, working from home on Wednesday then travelling to Kent on Thursday. Will it happen? I don't know. 

My self doubt was very much to the fore this morning when I woke up. For every step forward I take in my new venture another doubt pops up. But it has only been five weeks. My colleague in another team started five weeks before me told me she was all at sea at that point. If I'm honest me too.

I can do nothing of the morrow this afternoon as I sit in the warm listening to Figaro. 

Ahead lies roast partridge, a glass of Rioja and the NFL. Tomorrow will come and it will be fine.

I Heard a Voice. 

1 comment:

  1. I like that phrase "beautiful pale winter sunlight". I give it a zillion upvotes.
