Sunday, 24 January 2021

Enveloped in Snow.

The savage beauty of winter has descended. The woods over the road are blanketed by a thick layer of snow. It's been coming down pretty much since I got up. Much as I love the winter landscape with its dazzling whiteness I'm not a fan of going out in it. So on this January Sunday I'm staying very much indoors.

Puccini opened my opera account and accompanied a wonderful zoom catch up with my friends Kym and Peter. Whenever I see her I wonder what might have been. The uncertainty and paranoia I face at times would not have been there had she not made a big decision a few years ago. It was the right decision for her but the wrong decision for me. And so we have come to my working world. 

Tomorrow is the day I dread more than any other. The pointless appraisal. Not had one for several years. Who knows what tomorrow's will bring but I do know that all previous experiences have been hideous which served to knock my confidence, dent my fragile resilience and make me feel even more that I can trust no one.

Fortunately we haven't got to 4 pm on Monday yet. Today is opera, reading and cooking day. The sublime Tosca has given way to the equally sublime Marriage of Figaro. I have read the paper. My chicken is out coming to room temperature before going in the oven at 4 pm.

On balance it has been a pretty good weekend. I've spoken to a lot of people on the phone. I didn't perhaps achieve as much around the flat as I'd hoped but so be it. There is always another day.

Tonight brings the NFL conference championship games. I don't really mind who wins as long as it's not Tom Brady yet again. I thought after last year he was finished. But he has fought on at age 43. Some achievement despite to disdain for him.

My trip to Miriam's for the Super Bowl is of course off this year. I remain alone and isolated but I'm holding my own. Whilst many have support bubbles I do not. Most people I know are already linked in with family. Those who are not are vulnerable so I simply don't want to risk meeting them. So on I plod.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

I Heard a Voice.

1 comment:

  1. On I plodded through the snow on the front lawn of Climping Life Care Facility's independent living building. It looked and sounded very pretty. I have synesthesia, and glinty objects such as snow, squeal <> at me. I like to walk in the snow when it's soft and fluffy. When it's hard and crunchy I just enjoy the view from indoors. It's going to snow here again tomorrow. If the snow is soft and fluffy, on I will plod. Thank you for an idea for a name for my blog: "On I Will Plod". I have not set it up yet but I'm getting ready to. Have a safe and healthy day.
