Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Spot of Gardening Anyone?

The sun has set on day 2 of the UK lock down. It is hard to work out what is truth and what is fiction. Daily our politicians and medical staff come on TV. Thus far we have the most draconian peace time measures ever recorded. Some might argue it is more restricting than war time. The pubs have been closed since Friday night. Restaurants too. Most work has shut down and people are in desperate need of money.

I was sent home from work yesterday for who knows how long. All went swimmingly in my new adventures in the world of laptops until I switched off for lunch today. When I tried to go back in the Wi Fi wouldn't work. Well it would, my phone and PC were fine, just the laptop. Then I couldn't get into my X drive. I don't know what an X drive does but it deprived me of things I needed. Maybe better luck tomorrow.

Allowed out once a day for a walk I have spotted people gardening. Whoever apart from my mum and my sister ever liked gardening? Well and Sarah. But unable to work people are doing their gardens, washing the car and generally doing outdoor type things.

Strangely enough apart from IT problems and fears I may run out of beer my anxiety has all but disappeared. Who would have thought that? Well I preach to everyone to focus on what you can do not what you can't do. And I can't do anything about this virus other than to stay home and not go too close to others when I am out.

In my kitchen I'm doing great things. Posting pictures to cheer people up it is going down well. Being home for lunch I made a Thai green papaya salad. I was on fire after but it was delightful. Tonight I used so excellent beef mince from the Farm Shop to make a cottage pie. Didn't quite nail it, a little dry, but tasted good.

The week will progress and we get to a locked down weekend. How will I fare with that? I'm allowed to shop for food so a little adventure will begin. Take care out there.

I Heard a Voice.

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