The Cross of St George was flying over the tower of the church of St John at Digswell this afternoon. Fluttering in a strong breeze it is none the less a glorious spring day. I'm told the equinox was yesterday. But what of tomorrow? Fear and uncertainty now pervade my country as it catches of to the rest of virus ridden Europe. I still haven't seen the pale horse but the country is slowly grinding to a halt.
Now the pubs, restaurants and cafes are closed along with the schools. My sources although only briefly touched seem to indicate that against these odds the university is still open and they expect me in on Monday. I have no problem with that although an appointment at the dentist will cut short the day. Why they want to see me now having been pain and sensitivity free for the first time in nearly three years is beyond me. I know the recent trip was merely a stopgap until more drastic action but why now is strange.
How will I structure my days now? I have always enjoyed popping out for a pint and now I cannot do that. I have supplies of food, wine, beer, and pretty much everything I need for the next two weeks but what of cabin fever? When might it be safe to visit dad again? To London, or Cambridge or indeed St Albans?
While for the time being I'm safe I do fear for many friends who work in areas that are shut down. Also all the courageous staff in our NHS. But also a huge shout out to Gareth and Tony my butchers, the kind people who work in the shop by my flat, those at Waitrose, Aldi, and Sainsbury's where they keep me supplied.
When reality returns will everywhere re open? What of Yan and Lin? Andy and Choon? Francois and Bronwen? And the people who run the glorious country pubs that so enlighten my life? Will Sue and Duncan at The Butt of Sherry survive? A whole way of life may have shut its doors forever.
The virus will play out one way or another. Those with a greater knowledge of the environment are already talking of how the the air and sea and land are becoming cleaner. Is this nature's revenge on us who have so raped its resources? I have said for a long time the earth will survive but whether we do may be another matter.
Everyone I know is safe but frightened at the moment. I'm reticent in a strange way. An anxious nightmare ridden night may tell another story but whilst awake I can only focus on what I can do not what I can't. So tonight I will cook, I will drink wine, and I will listen to opera. Have to keep going day by day.
I Heard a Voice.
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