Sunday, 15 March 2020

Behold a Pale Horse.

And behold, a pale horse, and on it rode death. As the world goes mad I have yet to hear the galloping hooves of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, see the pale horse of death or indeed the ghost of the headless horse at Burnham Green. What the fuck is happening? Will this be the end? Will we all dissolve in a pile of shit because some cretin told us to buy every toilet roll on earth? Will the elderly we wiped out by this plague? The simple answer is I doubt it.

I have spoken to a number of GPs and pharmacists in recent days and they all think as I do. The world is not coming to an end.

The great classicist and ancient historian Christopher Kelly now master of Corpus Christi College Cambridge disagree on very little. Other than the Revelation of St John the Divine as the last book of the New Testament of the Bible. He thinks it should have been excluded by Constantine after the Council of Nicaea, I think it is the greatest book of the bible. It talks of the Four Horsemen and pale horse. And the end of the world. It doesn't talk of science. Or reality. Those two can be very different.

I have no fear of plague and pestilence. Yes I'm worried for the vulnerable. But fear is not high on my agenda. That everything will shut is not a good prospect but what will be will be.

Down here in Kent the sun shone, I cooked splendid roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, we drank Rioja, we walked along the beach and I drank excellent local ale in The Hope Inn with Beka. Now back at dad's flat contemplating a shower and a quiet Sunday.

I'm told they have shut the campus. I'm off until the week after next. Sure I can try to work from home but we will see. The coming weeks are certainly uncertain but none of us really know what will happen. The only thing of which I'm sure is that buying up every toilet roll in the land merely means we take up a lot of space, a condition that has no baring of the bowel or digestive system is not going to be quelled by that.

Take care out there and watch out for the pale horse.

I Heard a Voice.

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