Thursday, 27 June 2019

Setting in the Western Sky.

The sun is slowly edging westward to set on a glorious summer day. We are a few days past the solstice and the days are almost imperceptibly getting shorter. After the sultry humid atmosphere of recent days it was wonderful to have dry heat. I'm told Saturday will be fierce although probably not as much as in continental Europe.

On this day you find me at rest. The lethargy, apathy and flat mood of last week is gone. I have finished work until Tuesday and will head to the seaside tomorrow. Work this week has at times been intense but came away with a sense that this week I didn't fail.

Handel graces my flat, a ferocious Thai curry has been consumed. After the mild affair that was Saturday's Rendang with a mere eight chillies in it tonight I upped the ante and went for ten. Pretty good result.

I'm looking forward to seeing dad tomorrow. Not been down since his birthday in March. The visit will also see me reunited with my friend Ali, the one from Kent, who I spent a quite lot of time with a decade ago. Yes it must be ten years since she visited me here. Since then marriage, three boys and foreign postings have been her chosen lot. The last time I saw her was a wedding a couple of years ago. Lots of catching up to do.

Nothing profound on my mind at the moment just a sense that I'm at peace. Rest is good along with a not empty but not troubled mind. I'm buoyed by hearing from the lovely Eliza who sought my advice on violin exams a few weeks ago. Well a triumphant series of messages came through tonight that she scored 146 out of 150 marks and in the parlance of the young smashed it. What an amazing achievement.

With that I leave you to your evening. I will return to Handel and a beer. See you from the seaside over the weekend.

I Heard a Voice. 

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