Saturday, 11 May 2019

High Praise Indeed!

When an Italian tells me that my Ragu is as good as his mum's I guess I must be doing something right! How is that for high praise? After my painful and foolish venture into publishing one of my plates on the net that was a relief. Actually, much of my food is praised by others even if I am my own harshest critic.

My kitchen adventures tonight see me cooking sea bream for the first time. The original plan was to buy whole fish and stuff them with fennel, onion and oregano. I couldn't get any whole fish so had to settle for fillets. But no worries I will cook the fennel mix in the oven covered on a low heat and pan fry the fillets.

Today feels like a good day. The sun is shining and it's much warmer than the cold wet week. My windows and balcony door are open. Beethoven plays. Earlier I chose Puccini. The week at work was mixed but we got through it. Only a week of exams to go and the academic year is over for most. I do not get holidays as long as the students but it tends to be a little more manageable from May onward.

Finally caught up on my mood diary this week. As I feared it was mainly negatives and zeroes but nothing too bad. I think I have found a supervisor which was well needed. I meet her on Thursday week.

This Thursday I will attend my final council of governors meeting. My term of office runs out in June and having neglected the organisation for the best part of two years owing to illness and work there seemed little point in standing again. Why stand when I contribute nothing? Then I fade back into oblivion.

That can wait though. For now a weekend, a kitchen, good food and timely sleep are my ways forward. See you all in the week.

I Heard a Voice.

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