Saturday, 4 May 2019

Dodging the Showers.

A huge black rain cloud hung over the centre of town this afternoon as I parked my car. By the time I got to Yang's the showers were under way and the bitter wind that had been blowing all morning made it pretty miserable out. Post noodles pretend smoke break the sun had once again arrived and an all together nicer outlook pervaded the world. Dodging showers has been par for the day.

Earlier I had been to see Gareth coming away with pork loin, chicken thighs, beef mince and duck eggs. Then it was off to Smallford to check out the new farm shop. It was great and didn't spend too much. It will be a cooking long weekend. Back home now there is a Ragu with pork and beef mince bubbling away on the hob, once again the showers are threatening and I'm listening to Beethoven.

My week was mixed. Thoughtful and slightly disturbing therapy, clashes as work then a triumph of my experience and knowledge over what I knew was a wrong choice. I will keep quietly plugging away trying to get it right. I think I triumphed in the end.

Mentally I'm okay but lurking is doubt. Will I turn up or down? Would be lovely to turn upwards but at what cost. In truth I'm relieved to be away from things and able to hide or show depending on how I feel. At the moment I'm hiding but I will emerge later.

There was an election on Thursday. I almost forgot the vote but did go down and cast my lot in a quiet polling station. It was mixed news for my political friends, my communist chum James lost his seat. My friend Rachel won a seat for the Green Party down in Kent. Are we any wiser for the upcoming European election? No. No one's really very sure why we are having them. A deal seems as distant as ever. It is marvellous to live in a democracy but sometimes that simply makes things more complicated. Time will tell I suppose.

Whatever you are doing out there on his holiday weekend, stay safe and have fun.

I Heard a Voice.

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