How difficult can it be to fit a simple smart meter at my flat? Originally scheduled for May the man who turned up on the day told me he couldn't complete the job as he was missing a part. Having heard nothing for six weeks about finishing the job I called and arranged a follow up in July. They cancelled that. Re-arranged again for today I discovered that some nameless person, I genuinely do not know who, locked the door on the meter cupboard sometime between when I arranged my neighbour to unlock it last night and when I got home from work for today's appointment. The only neighbour with a key is extremely unwell so that didn't help. The upshot is I will need to arrange a fourth appointment.
The agent told me it was a standard key but I certainly don't have anything that opens it. Despite the title I am extremely fucking annoyed. Foolish really as there is nothing I can do to change anything. Perhaps fate is conspiring against me.
That's enough ranting. The week has been mixed. I stayed home Tuesday as well. The return on Wednesday witnessed markedly elevated mood. Yesterday irritation. Today, well you know about today.
When I'm in a mood like this I get very little done. And that annoys me further. I must take heart though that it is the weekend, my travels took me back to old places and I saw a glorious heron, and it is another week down in a long term. Half way now.
I have booked some time off in November. Be good to slow down for a while. Also booked a couple of days in December as I have to go to a very special carol service that marks the end of my old music teacher Neil Cox's career at Lancing. I owe him a lot, regret some of the foolish things I did in the past, and thank him for the tremendous support and opportunity he has given me in the last 35 years.
With luck next time I post I will be happier. Now I will carry on my fuming.
I Heard a Voice.
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