Many a time I have extolled the virtues of that British institution the pub on here. In truth though, they are dying out. Many country pubs have gone. Some blame the government for the heavy tax. It is right that we have robust laws against drink driving but that has done the country pub no good. Since the smoking ban in 2007 the closure rate has increased. When I left Kent that year there were many pubs in my old town; now there are 3 fewer. But what of the popular town centre pubs? Surely if they are busy they must be safe? Apparently not. It was with great sadness that I learned last night the pub that served as my second home when I moved up here is to close. In its place will be yet another bar/restaurant. The food had better be good or I won't be going in there. I do hope the Hedgehog will survive.
On other notes it is finally cooling off after our longest heatwave in 7 years. The air is more tolerable and it is easier to sleep. But it has given us all a burst of enthusiasm, finally a summer to remember.
Along side that my buoyant mood remains. Not manic just good. I have decided that I will commit to another year at the University. There remains the issue of pay but in the absence of anything better I have now filled in the paperwork to undertake the MSc in Mental Health Practice. I can do it in a year and assuming they agree to pay we will go ahead. After that there will be change. Whether that helps more or not I do not know. If it doesn't then I go back to my job search. Something will turn up one day.
Late this afternoon I received a very important e mail. The proofs of "Charon's Ferry" will be with me next week. I had hoped to get them today but alas no. If all is well then we may be looking at publication of the paperback in the next couple of weeks. Then I can really celebrate.
Over the next few weeks I have drinks in London, a wedding, and a Prom to go and see. The latter was courtesy of an old school friend who had a ticket but will be on holiday. We had a fine meal in Chinatown last night. Not my usual place but excellent if a little pricey. 4 more weeks of work then the holiday-hurrah!
I Heard a Voice.
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