Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Miserere Mei.

Ever have days where you feel you changed the world? Where something so astonishing happens that you don't know how to respond?

Sounds very grand doesn't it but very occasionally my work allows me to have such days. And today was one of them. I was not expecting it but in my life I always expect the unexpected. I don't know if it is that I am highly skilled, my life experience or that I just got lucky. Who knows? The question is will it work?

I have never been trained to do a single thing in mental health. I have no significant pieces of paper-I do have a joke piece of paper called an NVQ. It is all based on my life. I fell into the abyss of psychosis 21 years ago. 10 years ago with help of brilliant if somewhat junior Doctor I came out. Many others helped along the way but without her I would never have been able to sustain it. What I do is entirely based on the opposite of what was done to me. In the main my experience of mental health services was shit with a capital sh! It was a disaster for 9 years. Then came salvation.

I'm not sure where I go from here and I fear the fallout of today but I came home with feeling of "God I'm good at this"! Then came my come down. There was a great sadness in what I had done however necessary it was.

Which brought me to tonight. I ate a fine curry I cooked last night. Then I switched the lights off and listened to Allegri's Miserere. One of the most powerful pieces of music I know even if the setting we have today is fraudulent. And I was tearful.

I feel better now. Here's to tomorrow and whatever that brings.

I Heard a Voice.

PS I have a new title for my new book-all coming along very well!

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