Thursday, 7 April 2011

A Medication Explosion!

It has been a long day. Spent much of it catching up on my notes-I've been miles behind for weeks-and sorting out the final touches for book launch on Tuesday. Lots of people hoping to come-I fear I will run out of books. Also went to very interesting talk on Palestine. I had planned to go to an evening event as well, but feeling somewhat tired so I decided to go home at the normal time. Big mistake-it took me nearly an hour to drive 6 miles through inexplicable gridlock.

But home I am now, refreshed by some fine Thai BBQ ribs which have been marinading in my fridge since last night, and nice cold beer-time for a post.

Today the BBC decided to make it known that prescriptions for SSRIs in the UK are up 43% since 2007. Perhaps what we would expect in a recession. Suicide rates locally have rocketed in that same time period but remain low compared to other parts of the country. But I ask the question, how on earth does prozac help with people's financial problems? It doesn't!

I've been on anti depressants since July 1991. Now that is a long time. I have been through virtually anything that was on the market in the 1990s. None have had any impact on my mood. Only risperidone affected any change in me. But my old tricyclic anti depressant does serve a purpose for me; I can't sleep without it.

Judging by evidence I have collected over the years many people will be disappointed in the failure of such drugs. They don't always solve the problem but if they help take them.

The story is on the following link:

More soon.

I Heard a Voice.

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