Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Beef Dripping-How Terribly British!

Last night, as I try to do most Tuesday nights, I attended a pub quiz. Normally we have four of us in our team. Not entirely sure that any of us phenomenally bright but as a team we usually do quite well. We add different areas of knowledge which always helps; individually each of us would fail miserably. Collectively we do okay. And last night we won.

Sometimes, rather than fritter away the money, I use is towards having a nice meal. So at lunch time today I headed off to a local Chinese restaurant for a quick lunch. Wish I hadn't bothered-bland, overcooked and horrible. So how to make up for that? Stocks are low as I'm going away on Saturday but I had one item of sheer decadence-beef dripping! My Doctor will shoot me for using it, and in truth I rarely do, but what results, Heaven! Never done bacon and eggs in it before but will definitely try it again.

It is terribly British so I'm told. In Gascony they use goose fat. In Sri Lanka coconut oil. Parts of the Indian subcontinent favour mustard oil. All are great. But sometimes my gastronomic tours come home! I rarely eat fish-too many memories of being ill-but rumour has it fish and chips in beef dripping is amazing!

Anyway, away from food. What about the mad world? Well my mad world is currently deluged with amazing responses to my book. Keep getting messages saying it is so hard to put down people are struggling to get on with things they need to do. All great to hear if probably not true.

But I did something today to try to raise the profile. I sent it of to for review. Here's hoping it works out!

One more day of work then holiday. London on Friday then Kent at the weekend. Can't wait!

I Heard a Voice.

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