Well, 2011 dawned with quiet, soft rain and the mother of all hangovers! Back up to speed now though, had some rare beef, am listening to Cosi fan Tutti and drinking a fine rioja. As you can see normal service has returned.
I reflect on the last year with a curious mix of delight and sadness. A year ago I thought I was headed back to my beloved Cambridge to live, my mood was flying and all seemed rosy. Then the crash happened. Cambridge did not work out and I had the worst relapse in 9 years. Funnily enough I had no psychosis that time. I had to take time off which I hate doing for my madness, and then worked part time for a few weeks.
So what of now? My mood has been flying again for several months. Then just in the last 10 days or so it has slipped back somewhat. I'm not depressed just a little lower than I have been. I wonder if that will last.
Still have another week off before my return to the university. Nice to have a break but I'm sure normal chaos will resume when I'm back there. Hoping to hit St Albans on Wednesday and maybe another trip to London at some point.
More soon.
I Heard a Voice.
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