Sunday, 29 October 2023

The Loneliness of Being

I slept poorly again, my mood is low, it's pouring with rain and I wish I was back in bed. Today is not good. 

Tired and hungry, not even the smell of roast beef has lightened my mood. 

Sometimes living alone feels hopeless. That terrible adage of depression is that I desperately want to be with people but I desperately want to be alone. 

My lovely friend Ruth did ring and Katie left a voice note but other than that no human contact today. My neighbour Leo is coming for lunch but that is making me anxious. 

What has brought this on remains a mystery. The fall out of yesterday's post? A natural shift in mood downwards? The culprit may never be known but today being me is no fun.

I feel in need of a break but nothing on the horizon until Christmas. And that seems a long way away today. Stop the world I want to get off.

The sun in my life will rise again. Today, tomorrow, who knows. Wish it would hurry up.

I Heard a Voice. 

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