Sunday, 16 October 2022

I Never Say No.

Greetings! A couple of weeks have elapsed since I was last on here. It is a beautiful sunny autumn day here. I'm listening to Beethoven's violin sonatas and cooking slow roast shoulder of lamb.

During those last few weeks I have done a lot of reflecting. Of triumph. Of disaster. Of loss. Of being lonely. Of comforting others. And of never saying no.

My business is beset with an oblique thing called boundaries. I did not change side when I started working in mental health as some claim. But I was shocked at how my working world strove to shut me down from my real world. Us and them. Them and us.

In truth the success of my career has been that I went beyond those boundaries. My credibility is my madness. 

Years later I am plagued by giving too much. I never say no to anyone struggling with their mental health. 

Sometimes I need to switch off. This week I've been supporting five people beyond my work. As we all struggle with Kelly's death, with the chaos in the world I am in great demand. 

I live in that world but sometimes like today I just want to be alone with my music, with my cooking and my wine.

Hang in there everyone, I'll be back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Saying no is essential. Remembering that ego does not exist solidly and independently also very important. Do the practice of exchange! breathe in others' pain and breathe out the light. It leads to the understanding of no solid self. Call on help at all times from God/Buddha/Allah and remember you can't save anyone except yourself but you can train your own mind out of its hells. Wanting to sve others was my addiction and it doesn't work. love!
